Crusader kings 2 to eu4
Crusader kings 2 to eu4

  • After a siege is complete, attack the enemy army again.
  • If an enemy army is not around, start sieging provinces down.
  • If you avoid major mistakes and cowardly commanders, you will win 90% of the time.
  • If the enemy army is around, attack with your superior forces.
  • If you need to divide your forces into smaller stacks to avoid attrition, do it.
  • March on the province/realm you’re trying to conquer.
  • Make sure your army is balanced, and your commanders are competent.
  • When you declare, collect all your troops in 1 spot.
  • 2-to-1 would be better, but I can win reliably with 150%.
  • Make sure you’ve got at least half-again as many troops as the guy you’re attacking.
  • Whereas, winning battles and wars in CK2 can be got down to a science. There’s a mechanics of battle that I find deeply obtuse, so I’ve never figured out how to make England, for example, able to win a land battle (I’ve had people try to explain it to me, and it sounds nerdy as hell and a lot of work.

    crusader kings 2 to eu4

    Certain countries (France, Prussia) are OP when it comes to “military culture” and can win battles standing on their head. I’ve had fights where I outnumbered the enemy 2-to-1 and had my rear end handed to me. You HAVE to take fortresses, You HAVE to fight naval battles, and you can never never never be certain how a battle turns out. I hate hate hate the way EU4 does War.CK2 is relatively streamlined: gold, prestige, and troops are the only numbers you really need to worry about, and it’s relatively simple to get any or all of them going in the right direction. In other words, a lot of time spent staring at numbers and managing bells.

    crusader kings 2 to eu4

    Lots of requirements for actions, lots of things to manage, lots of economic agita. Antonia Fraser and the Duc de Castries will never not have a place on my bookshelf.

  • I have always been a fan of the lives of Kings.
  • My steam stats give the game away on this: I have like 500 hours, maybe, on EU4, over 2,000 on CK2.

    crusader kings 2 to eu4

    He begins discussing Europa Universalis IV, a game I enjoy very much less than Crusader Kings 2 (I haven’t made the switch to Crusader Kings 3 yet, as I don’t think my graphics card can handle it, and I’ve better things to spend my money on than an updated graphics card just to play one game). A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry begins a deep-dive into Paradox Interactive grand strategy games, a subject after my own heart.

    Crusader kings 2 to eu4